6 Common Hot Tub Myths Debunked


hot tub myths

Hot tubs are becoming more and more accessible to Americans. With a variety of sizes and models available at a range of costs, taking advantage of the health and relaxation benefits each spa has to offer is easier than ever.

But there are a lot of crazy myths out there that are making many consumers think twice-or at least scratch their heads.

To keep Seattle hot tub users and consumers in the know (and in the spa) we’re busting some of the biggest (and strangest) hot tub myths that have been swirling around over the years.

Hot Tub Myth #1: You Can Hard-Boil an Egg in a Hot Tub

hot tub myth

This one’s true, folks. Why anyone would want to do this is unclear but the myth exists nonetheless. Optimum temperature for hot tub operation is between 90-104°F. Temperatures that exceed 104°F will not only burn your biscuits; they’ll ruin your egg.

That’s right folks, hot temperatures in your spa are just a stop along the way to deviled egg town and if left in the water long enough they’ll cook right up. Here’s hoping you like your eggs with a hint of chlorine.

Hot Tub Myth #2: Sitting in a Hot Tub Can Delay Your Baby-Making Schedule

This is a big one. When it comes to babies and baby making everyone has an opinion.

More often than not we hear about how hot tubs can seriously affect a man’s fertility over the long term.

Relax, it’s not exactly true. Heat only reduces the swim team slightly by between 200 and 500 million leaving a veritable baby-making army at the ready.

Hot Tub Myth #3: You Can Shrink a Pair of Stretched Out Jeans by Wearing Them in The Hot Tub

hot tub myth shrink pair of jeans

Why anyone would want to do this is beyond comprehension but pain is beauty andweird.

Anyway, grabbing a baggy pair of jeans and heading off to the hot tub for a soak and a shrink will likely just end in discomfort and trying to wrangle your way out of soaking wet denim.

If your diet is so good that you need to shrink your jeans, a tour in the dryer with the heat set to high is your best bet. Buying new jeans is also an option.

Hot Tub Myth #4: More Jets Are Better

Don’t believe the hype, folks. The type, quality, and direction of spa jets coupled with the plumbing and piping system are what give spas their maximum massaging powers.

Many retailers will try to sell their customers on a high jet count, but too many jets running improperly or without optimal power are all bark and no bite.

What’s more, many installers set jets up for power forgetting about the importance of comfort and energy efficiency to achieve hydrotherapy success. Next time you’re being pummeled by a jet, call an expert to recalibrate your experience.

Hot Tub Myth #5: Chlorine Causes Redness, Irritation & Burning in The Eyes

Not quite. Chlorine is indeed a strong chemical to be handled according to directions and also with care. While it can cause skin rash and irritation, chlorine cannot be held accountable for issues with the eyes after a soak in the spa. It’s an imbalance in the water’s pH or Alkalinity that’s to blame.

Low pH means water is too acidic while unchecked alkalinity results in a sodium hydroxide overload—aka itchy, burning eyes.

Hot Tub Myth #6: Strong Filters Can Suction a Bather to The Bottom

Old news reports about long hair and swimsuits getting caught in drain covers have somehow become part of our common cultural narrative. Despite changes to manufacturing and safety regulations, drain covers continue to be a worry for many hot tub users.

Luckily the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approved concave drain covers that reduce pull on the body and prevent hair from being sucked into the drain. Spa owners in Seattle who are concerned about drains should reach out to an expert to learn more about safety and prevention.

Additional safety measures include easily accessible spa shut-off switches and a Safety Vacuum Release System that automatically cuts power to the spa in an emergency.

Get The Facts From An Expert

By consulting with experienced hot tub retailers in the Seattle area, consumers can stay informed about myths and facts no matter how obscure.

To learn more about spa safety, check our faqs, or contact the experts at Black Pine Spas today!


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