What To Look For In A Reputable Hot Tub Dealer


Most first time hot tub shoppers will spend a lot of time researching until they find exactly the right spa for their needs. Who can blame them, a hot tub is a big purchase which shouldn’t be taken lightly.

When you come right down to it, however, there isn’t really that much difference from one hot tub spa to the next. Some manufacturers will quickly fade away because they produce a shoddy product, while others enjoy a reputation of quality built over the years. Occasionally, one will develop a new feature that consumers really like, and within a season or two, all the others will include the same thing.

No matter which model and manufacturer you choose, at the end of the day you will have an acrylic and fiberglass hole filled with warm water. When you come right down to it, yours is not likely to be that much better or worse than the spa your neighbors bought. So let’s consider a slightly different tactic in hot tub shopping. Rather than shopping for the best spa, spend your time looking for the best spa dealer.

Your hot tub ownership experience will likely begin at a hot tub dealer, and the relationship will not end once your credit card is scanned. It seems like there isn’t very much to go wrong with a simple acrylic and fiberglass hole filled with water, but there is a great deal of science and mystery involved in taking care of a hot tub. By its very nature, the spa is both a gathering place for the nasty things on people’s skin, and a marvelous environment for those nasty things to grow.

Look for Reputable Hot Tub Dealer © Copyright aloha_pineapple and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License

There is no end of advice out there on how to care for your hot tub and the water. The best place to turn is the experts who sold you the tub in the first place. The dealer will have seen every unique problem crop up over the years, and he will know how to fix yours.

How do you choose a hot tub dealer? For the most part, it is like choosing any other professional that you have a business relationship with. There are a few things that you will consciously or subconsciously be looking for when you walk into the showroom.

Is the dealer easy to find and close to your home? Is the parking lot well laid out and well lit (remember that you may be back in the dead of winter, needing chemicals)? Are the tubs on display attractive and clean?

Does the dealer stock several lines of spas or is he exclusive to a single manufacturer? Variety is an indication that the dealer is more dedicated to getting the best fit for his customers than currying favor with a single manufacturer.

Choosing Reputable Hot Tub Dealer © Copyright UP CPSC and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License

If a few of the floor models look interesting to you, the sales staff may invite you to take off your shoes and give the tub a test sit. Are the sales staff friendly and helpful or do you feel like they are pressuring you into a sale? These folks don’t get to feed their families unless they can get someone to spend some money in the shop, but presented a choice between giving my money to someone who is helpful rather than someone who pressures me, the choice is easy.

Does the salesman know what he is talking about? You may not know much about hot tubs, but you should be able to tell whether the salesman, who is teaching you, knows much about the tubs or if he has just memorized the brochure. Be sure and ask about delivery.

The nice guy on the showroom floor may not be the one who shows up at your house to install and set up your tub, but he should be able to tell you what to expect. Delivery can be a very big deal!

Finally, what you will be looking at is the dealer’s reputation, and making a judgment for yourself whether or not it is deserved. We’re sure that you will find that Black Pine Spa has earned the reputation they have built over the last three decades!


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